"Die Zauberflöte" by Mozart on 1 June, World Children's Day
13 May 2024Sofia Opera and Ballet

"Die Zauberflöte" by Mozart on 1 June, World Children's Day

On 1 June, on the occasion of the World Children's Day in the Main all of the Sofia Opera for our children's audience will come to life "Die Zauberflöte" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The premiere of the "Die Zauberflöte" was in 1791 and performed in Austria 100 times in one year. Today the work is one of the most frequently performed in opera houses all over the world. The most famous parts of the opera are the duet of Papageno and Papagena and the aria of the Queen of the Night for coloratura soprano.

The action is focused and dynamic, the plot is portrayed with a lot of humour and mood, the main characters are presented with their most famous arias and ensembles.

The collision of good and evil forces, friendship and love are at the heart of the spectacle, from which flows much joy, light and optimism.

Get your tickets here: https://www.operasofia.bg/repertoire/786

  • Photo: ВЪЛШЕБНАТА ФЛЕЙТА опера от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт - адаптирана за деца
  • Photo: ВЪЛШЕБНАТА ФЛЕЙТА опера от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт - адаптирана за деца
  • Photo: ВЪЛШЕБНАТА ФЛЕЙТА опера от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт - адаптирана за деца
  • Photo: ВЪЛШЕБНАТА ФЛЕЙТА опера от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт - адаптирана за деца
  • Photo: ВЪЛШЕБНАТА ФЛЕЙТА опера от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт - адаптирана за деца