Tribute to Petar Lukanov
10 May 2024Sofia Opera and Ballet

Tribute to Petar Lukanov

It is with sadness that we learn of the death of the doyen of Bulgarian ballet, the famous choreographer and teacher, long-time director of the ballet of the Sofia Opera, prof. Petar Lukanov.

We express our deepest and sincere condolences to his family.

"Bulgarian music is my greatest inspiration – folk music, I started with folklore as a dancer, ballet and symphonic music. There is nowhere in the world like Bulgarian music – with such a rich sound, rhythm, movement. For me it is most important that the music speaks to me, because the spectacle is built on it. I am equally inspired by irregular rhythms and classical music" –was shared Petar Lukanov.

The National Ballet's repertoire includes his productions of Ludwig Minkus' "Don Quixote" and Adolphe Adam's "Giselle".

Acad. prof. Plamen Kartaloff:
Prof. Petar Lukanov left a bright trace not only in Bulgarian ballet, but also among the various world styles and schools – Russian, American and others.

Ana Angelova:

A talented, highly erudite and energetic advocate of uncompromisingly creative positions in the development of the art of ballet, he has for years created the aesthetic of our contemporary ballet theatre, manfully and consistently following his own path in the field of visual music and poetry. Revealing the wide potential of his directing and pedagogical abilities in the formation of several ballet generations, Petar Lukanov has written golden pages of Bulgarian dance culture with rich imagination and creative dedication.

Prof. Boyanka Arnaudova:

In the last fifty years – from the last and the beginning of the XXI century – the figure of the most talented, famous and successful Bulgarian ballet master innovator Petar Lukanov stands out.

Petar Lukanov was born on 22.10.1931. He graduated from secondary school in Sofia in 1949.

From 1950 to 1955 he was a soloist of the Ensemble of Labour Troops. In the period 1955-1963 he was a ballet dancer and soloist of the Ruse Opera Ballet.

In 1963-1968 he studied and graduated with honours in Ballet Directing at the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts, Moscow in the class of prof. Leonid Lavrovsky.

As a student he staged six one-act ballets in Ruse: "Francesca da Rimini" by Tchaikovsky, "The Miraculous Mandarin" by Bartók, "The Fairy's Kiss" by Stravinsky, "The Prodigal Son" by Prokofiev, "An American in Paris" and "Cuban Overture"; "The Light Floods Everything" by Ikonomov at the National Opera in Sofia.

From November 1967 (one year before graduating) until 1989, 2000-2002 and 2006-2008 he was ballet master and ballet director of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre – Sofia.

Along with his work with the National Ballet, at different times he was artistic director of the Classical Dance Department and director of the State Choreographic School (today the National School of Dance Art) – Sofia.

Since 1980 he has taught choreographic composition, classical dance composition, choreographic and ballet direction at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv.

In 1986, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Council of Ministers awarded him the scientific title of Associate Professor, and in 1994 – Professor. He was Head of the Choreography Department (1989 - 1999) and Deputy Rector of the Academy (1993 - 1999). Since 1995 he has been a lecturer at Chernorizets Hrabar Varna Free University in choreographic composition and direction.

He has repeatedly been a jury member at international ballet competitions in Varna, Moscow, Osaka, Shanghai. He has been vice-chairman and chairman of the jury of the International Ballet Competition – Varna.


Creative work:

Since 1965 he has choreographed, staged and directed:


81 ballets

22 of them to music by Bulgarian composers; 17 world premieres; 15 premieres for Bulgaria


34 ballet miniatures

14 of them to music by Bulgarian composers; 17 for international ballet competitions in Varna and Moscow;


Choreography to 42 operas, musicals, operettas and dramatic spectacles, 16 of them to music by Bulgarian composers;


6 ballet films including: "Apollo Musaget" and "Agon" by Stravinsky; "Cinderella", "Romeo and Juliet", "Ala and Lolly" and "Classical Symphony" by Prokofiev; "Kaloyan's Daughter," "Nestinarka," and "Micro Quartet" by Golemin; "Masks" and "Apocalypse" by Kazandzhiev; "Ballad of a Self-Portrait" and "The Goat's Horn" by Kyurkchiyski; "Creation, Death, and Reconciliation" by Spasov; "Love Magic" and "The Three-Cornered Hat" by de Faya; "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Duca; "Legend of Love" by Melikov; "The Virgin of Paris" by Jarre; "Bolero" by Ravel; "Elegy and Toccata" by Djurov, "Giselle" by Adam, "Don Quixote" by Minkus, etc.



Order “Stara Planina”; Order “Cyril and Methodius”; Golden and Crystal Lyres of the Union of Music and Dance Artists; Award for Contemporary Choreography from the International Ballet Competition – Varna, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts – Plovdiv, etc.

"Dance is my Life" autobiographical book


The tribute to the memory of Petar Lukanov will take place on 12 May – Sunday 2024 at 12:00 h in the Central Foyer of the Sofia Opera and Ballet.

The funeral will be at 14.30 in the Church of “St. Sedmochislenitsi”.


  • Photo: Честване на хореографа проф. Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Честване на хореографа проф. Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Честване на хореографа проф. Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Честване на хореографа проф. Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов
  • Photo: Петър Луканов