“My Father the Painter” – premiere of the Sofia Opera and Ballet
19 Apr 2021BTV

“My Father the Painter” – premiere of the Sofia Opera and Ballet

In the lead role is Kalin Vrachanski, and the special participation is of the legend of the Satirical Theatre – Slavcho Peev.

At the Sofia Opera and Ballet there are running intense tempo rehearsals since weeks. The tempo of a brigade of an unemployed teacher and his six hungry boys on New Year’s Eve. Because in May it is time for the first time one title from the chest of the national film classics to come to life on an opera stage. “My Father the Painter” with the legendary Kosta Tsonev and Kalin Vrachanski, who succeeds the role of the full of positivism, in spite of the eternal difficulties in life main character, Mr. Andreev.

“The story of this family is very close to the times, in which we are living. This is all, which happened in this one year, people faced difficulties, which they are trying to solve in some magical way, as it happens only in Bulgaria, with the help of some higher power to continue living …”, says Kalin Vrachanski.  

In the spirit of the spectacle, the special participation is of the legend of the Satirical Theatre – Slavcho Peev. He played the role of the Rich Man also in the film of the same name. And till the last minute, although online, with the team was rehearsing the eternal Tatyana Lolova too. 

“She would appear as a great Wagner singer from the past and teach her experience to a Wagner fan, like a colossus in Richard Wagner’s theatre. This somehow breathed new life into her, rejuvenated her and gave her courage to show herself in a quite new way in her enormous artistic path and path of life”, marked Acad. Plamen Kartaloff.

The spectacles of “My Father the Painter” at the Sofia Opera and Ballet will be on 8, 9 and 10 May.
